Fine Art Gift Tags

Vary Niche Fine Art Gift Tags come in 11 different art prints featuring the art of Shari Monner. Each has the Art piece on the front along with a "To" and "From" space. The reverse side of each tag has the painting name, the artist's name, and the Vary Niche Fine Art logo and website.
Please choose between an Individual Tag, a Set of 5 Tags, or a Set of 12 Tags and then chose the art print(s) you'd like. For example, you can choose "Set of 5" and "Cuddly Cat" to get 5 Cuddly Cat Gift Tags, or you can chose to order a set with an "Assortment" to get one of each piece plus a random 12th Tag (for Set of 12) or a random mix of five tags (for Set of 5). Finally, if you'd like a set of 5 or 12 and want to choose your own Mix, please select Mix & Match and then email me your selections at or leave me a note with your order. 

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